Collections Etc. Catalog Warning. Please read and take warning.
I bought an alarm security bar from the Collections Etc. catalog. When it arrived it came with a notice saying that the security bar is a Carcinogen. ......
The Collections company sold an item that causes cancer but had no notice of that in their catalog. ..... I have had cancer 3 times. I would NEVER have bought this item if I knew it as a carcinogen. So I called the company .
The company representative said that if I want to return the item, I would need to pay all. costs for the return. When I objected, the representative said that their web site has a California warning notice. But I did not buy from their web site. I bought the security bar from Collections Paper catalog which had no warning. I never even looked at their website.
Collections catalog warning continued. So be careful. If you use Collections Etc catalog for shopping, they may have an item in the catalog that is a carcinogen but no warning will be listed. And the company will expect you to pay any and all return costs
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