Income retirement: idea for you

Income retirement Why not earn money on the web? You go on line several times a week.  You read web pages regularly.  You some times click on ads.  You sometimes buy things. Web site owners earn money when you do these things on their pages.

It is not difficult IF YOU LEARN THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT. Other people have income producing site. You can too.

 But you do not want just any web site. You want a web site that will attract TRAFFIC from search engines.

To have success web, you need a site that will turn up on page 1 of search returns.  Even better would be a web site that turns up as Number 1, 2, or  3 on the First Page of search returns. Why? That is what people will click on. (Think. Isn't that what you do when you do a web search?)

My experience building a web site

About 15 years ago, I decided to earn some money on the web. I built a web site. I found a place to host it ...they did not charge much. In fact, I got my first site hosted for nothing.  Result? I had a web site. It did not have many visitors ( because my site showed up on page 3 of search engine returns.)

I decided to learn something about 'web site optimization' or 'how to get search engines to love your site'. I studied. I may changes to my web site. My search engine placement improved but I was still not showing on page 1 (or even page 2)  of Google search returns. And my placement on other search engines was even worse.

Then income retirement success began

I did not let myself get discouraged. I trolled every discussion board I could find for 'web entrepreneurs'. I read about other people's experience. I tried a number of things. And then one day, some one posted about a company that turned them into a web success story.  They said it was called Site Build It

I clicked on the link. I read the material. Since they offered a 'trial period', I decided to give it a try. Once I joined, I discovered a whole 'world of ideas and materials'.  There was a booklet describing just what I needed to do to have a successful web site. And it was divided into steps so I was guided along step-by step.

There was a gizmo where I could find out if the topic I was thinking about would be a good one for a web site. I typed my topic into a box, clicked a button and this SBI gizmo went out and found: how many people searched for that term/keyword [or some 100 variations of it] in the past month. It also found how many other web sites used those key words on their web sites. And then it calculated how likely it would be to have a successful web site on the topic.

It took me at least a dozen tries before I found a topic I really knew AND was one that many people searched for each month AND that there were not a lot of other competing web sites for the topic.

So this SBI gizmo found a topic that could be a success. And it gave me a list of over 120 'key words' that could be the title of pages of content for my web site AND it suggested ways I could 'monetize' (earn money) from the web site. It also showed me how much competition I would probably have (I chose a topic without too much competition. I did not want to spend hours and hours each day trying to outrank competition.) Check out SBI now

Result?  Anti-Aging-Articles is the name I registered for my site (Well SBI registered it for me).  I began building pages for each of the keywords they listed. (You see these as page titles)  I began with the keywords that had the MOST web searches AND the least competition (few other sites were using those topics ).

After I had a number of pages built, SBI began submitting my site to the Search Engines (a task I had found really time consuming when I was doing a web site on my own ) 

The next step was to Monetize (earn money) from my web site. I reread that section of the SBI material and decided I would use Google ads (you see these on many pages) and I would become an affiliate for some companies whose products I knew and trusted. (You can see them on my Shopping page - whenever a reader buys something from Amazon or  the other companies on that page, I get a small percent from the company.) 

What counts as success

I count this web site a success. Why? It allows me to use my knowledge and skills for the good of others. And it makes it possible for me to earn some income in my retirement. I no longer fear inflation and last Fall I was able to do a tour of Italy (Florence, Assisi and Rome) with a local group. 

Solo Build It has allowed me to continue to be of use in my older age (I am 82). Because of my sites I still read research articles, 'translate' them into ordinary language and get to share them with others.

If you would like to try Solo Build It (there is a money back guarantee period) and you sign up through my link, let me know and I will be glad to offer help, advice if you need it.  You can try Solo Build It by clicking on this link.   And they offer a 'trial period'. If you try Solo Build It and you do not like it, you can get your money back.

Try it by clicking on: Try Solo Build It

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