Piracetam and Aging

Piracetam and Aging It was in 1968 that a scientist working at a Belgian pharmaceutical firm first synthesized this drug. It was the first of the Nootrobic or "smart drugs" - sometimes called "cognitive enhancers". Doctors prescribe by doctors to treat various cognitive problems. In the United States it is sometimes sold as a 'nutrient since' it does not have FDA approval.

This drug affect the body's cholinergic system. (This is the system of your body which increases the production of acetycholine... so it can prevent the brain from 'cannibalizing' its own choline.)

Piracetam has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer disease. It slows the progression of this disease - and so prevents a person from experiencing the very last and difficult stages of the disease before they die. (NOTE: Slowing of the progression of the disease has become a hall mark of treatment by many neurologists.)

One of the interesting effects of Piracetam and Aging is the effect of this drug on the corpus collosum, the central section that connects the two sides of the brain. Those taking the drug often find that they are better able to connect left and right brained skills and some find their creativity enhanced.

Some answers to basic questions about Piraetam and Aging

Frequently Asked Questions: Piracetam and Aging

  1. What do they use Piracetam for? Scientists studying a number of conditions have examined this drug. They have used it for cognitive improvement, to treat delirium in alcohol withdrawal, for early Alzheimers, for epilepsy, memory enhancement, myoclonous, post concussive syndrome, post stroke and for sickle cell in children. As yet the effects and possible usefulness of this nootropic drug has not been fully determined
  2. What about side effects? Piracetam has been found to have "few side effects and those that occur appear to be mild and pass quickly. Of the side effects that are reported, you will find "excitability or anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, agitation, nervousness, or tremors" but most of these were found to occur when subjects also used caffeine or mono sodium glutamate when taking the drug.
  3. Do they know how to reduce side effects? It appears that magnesium supplements can reduce some of the side effects. But NOT drinking coffee or using eating foods with mono sodium glutamate makes even better sense for anyone using this drug.
  4. Should any people NOT use Piracatam and Aging supplements? Since it can affect blood clotting, anyone taking blood thinning drugs or about to undergo major surgery should consult their physician before using piracetam. Kidneys. Since it is almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys, anyone with renal impairment or the elderly (who may have lowered kidney function) should not take it unless under the direct care of a physician. this drug should not be discontinued abruptly since researchers have found that abrupt discontinuance can induce seizure Remember Priacetam is a considered a drug...even though it is sold as a supplement in some countries.

Click here to read about Other tonics that can improve cognitive skills in addition to Piracetam and Aging

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