SBI Retirement income web sites. Since I am in my late 70s and have several SBI sites, I became interested in what other retirees thought about SBI. I sent a post to the SBI Forums asking for some volunteers. I wanted persons who were over age 55 when they first began using SBI and who would be willing to take an informal survey about their SBI Retirement income experiencse. Here are the results.
1. Since the web is international, I first asked: Where are your from?
One is from Australia, two from Cancada and three from the United States.
2. How long have you been using SBI and how old when you first started?
Two persons said they had been using SBI for 2 years or less; 4 for five our more years. Their ages when first beginning SBI Retirement income web site building ranged from as young as 58 to as old as 71.
3. How did you learn about SBI Retirement income sites?
One learned of it from a Chuch secretary. Another read of it in an article on Work at Home Moms she got as a gift for signing up for a newsletter. A third said, "My husband and I found it through browsing the net, we decided to use my experience as a life coach for the first site." and 2 persons learned of SBI from web forums - Both then researched the program.
If you want to take a look at SBI, just click on SBI Retirement Income program
4. How long did it take for you to decided to try SBI?
Some said decided to try SBI after a couple of weeks; others waited 4 or 5 years before deciding to try SBI Retirment income program.
5. What was the Main reason you decided to try SBI Retirement site building?
a.The secretary said it was easy to learn
b. Our community association needed a website, which nobody else seemed ready to deal with. So?
c. It jelled immediately as something I could do and wanted to do. It was reasonably priced and the Action Guide was really comprehensive
and easy to understand.
d.I had been teaching ESL to adults; jobs in Calif. adult ed programs dried up. I got a certificate to teach efl and looked for ESL/EFL teaching
jobs online, but with little response (& the two overseas employers who did contact me, and did Skype interviews, weren't interested. I have a
strong impression that one of them decided against hiring me as soon as he saw me on Skype, since he'd been interested in my resume. Several such companies say specifically they don't want teachers over 40...) So I was trying to find a source of stable part-time income that I could do from home, as there is limited employment potential in this area and I am having increasing mobility problems.
e. Such strong recommendations from other people earning money through the Internet. Ken Envoy [SBI originator} was listed as the one
person who lived up to expectations and made it possible for ordinary people to build a successful web business.
f. Long interest in computers...needed a money making hobby...had written text books, so writing was easy.
g. I was looking for a way we could work together and create income, from home or anywhere in the world
6. What was your previous experience with web site businesses before trying SBI Retirement sites?
3 persons had NO previous experience; 3 said they have some before trying this SBI Retirement thing.
Additional Comments:
" I had a Wordpress blog which I found a nightmare to operate beyond the basics. Also my own coaching beautifully designed website,
which was built at great expense and I use a clumsy program called "Contribute" to edit. "
"Yes a little...taught computers to other teachers...tried a few 'lame' website building products...more intrigued by the process than the business."
"I had tried blogs, web sites, special programs but never really earned a decent income with any of them."
7. Practical SBI Retirement: What was you first SBI web site? Here they are:
2. All About Becoming a Life Coach
3. The - but I no longer run this; someone else maintains it.
4. Rose works
Do you have additional sites? Respondents gave at least 8 other web sites they now own. That is some SBI REtirement, yes?
Three of them cover cooking or food topics: German recepies, smooties and health, soups and sauces,. Two focus on travel: Jamaica beaches, Majorca. Others include topics such as: procrastination strategies, chronic pain management, passionate romatic ideas, Meditation for Beginners and Women philosophers.
8. What do you like about SBI? So many answers about SBI Retirrment sites. I have tried to combine some to keep the list short.
1. Ease of use, ease of learning the process and great help from the support team and forums.
2. Lots of things, but especially the step by step, clear instructions, all the technical things behind the scenes that I don't have to try to figure out, all the possibilities, and the idealism & great helpfulness of both SiteSell support and sbiers
3. The forums. And all the provision so we could make our sites as good as they can be
4.The complete package in one spot and a very good beginners goes off the rails a bit with advanced needs...getting traffic, monetizing etc. but probably the best for a beginner.
5.The community and the support and the fact that it is all there in one place – everything you need from SEO to mail outs and building pages.
6..That this program teachesme what I needed to know to earn money on the Internet. When I follow the program, I earn money.
The second site I built thinking 'I knew it all" and did not need to follow the SBI program exactly- eg. I did not use their MONETIZING section. If I had used it I would have learned that the topic I was considering was NOT likely to earn me much money. That site, whcih i ubilt without doing monetizing IS often visitied but I do not really earn anything from it. So I learned, 'follow the program'.....all of it from 'picking a niche, through monetizing [if and how to earn money from that niche] to building each page in the way SBI suggests. NONE of other web building programs offered me these things. That is why I like SBI.
End of things they like about SBI Retirement income building.
9. What do you find most difficult about SBI Retirement?
1.Choosing keywords especially in German
2.Anything to do with social media.
3.I run into tech problems from time to time...Waiting for BB2 was hard, using the MOM for ezines is too, and I made lots of mistakes in the beginning
4. Because of the big learning curve, for me. (I've never had a business & have a lot to learn. I chose keywords with too high supply at first because I couldn't think of other, narrower ones that would have brought traffic much more quickly, so my traffic "snowball" started maybe 8-10 months late...) But I don't have any complaints about sbi.
5. Well nothing really but the difficult parts of building a successful website reside in a. Picking a niche that can make money b.. Getting Traffic and Monetizing correctly....SBI isn't very strong in any of these areas.
6. At present it is the clumsiness of some of the old BB1 functions which seem to have deteriorated since BB2
7. As SBI has kept up with changes on the Internet, I sometimes find it hard to keep up. Social media is not my thing - I do not even use a cell phone!. But people are so helpful on the forums. I have just decided to limit myself to what I do best and not try to master every new thing right away. So often SBI says the 'turtle', slow but sure, is the key and now I have adopted that too.
10.Why do you continue with your SBI Retirement web sites?
1. NOTE: Many people answering the survey said they did it for income, for enjoyment. Some additional comments are here:
2. I love what I'm doing, & hope sometime it will be profitable... (I plan to add Adsense and one affiliate this month or next, and eventually either sell e-books or offer tutoring services.)
3. Beats me! Still, the veggie site is kind of a kick to fool around with, and perhaps it might keep my brain cells in shape somewhat longer. Maybe I'll even make a little money if I ever get round to monetizing(!) Too many other commitments have been acing out my little enterprise.
4. I love writing...I make some money..(getting smaller by the minute!).I am the sort of person that loves small projects...I am no good at lifelong challenges.
5. I Just love the process and the subjects and the potential. Can't find anything that compares with all SBI offer for such a low all inclusive price. Ken's continual research and support.
6. At this point I really feel I am providing important information to people who want it, it gives me great pleasure to SEE my stuff on line and yes, the income I am earning makes all the difference in what I can do in retirememt - so SBI Retirement income web sites are working for me.
11. If you were talking to an administrator of a Senior center who was considering introducing members to SBI Retirment, what advice would you give that administrator?
1. Emphasize the support factor and community that comes with SBI. Also have someone who has really used SBI successfully on hand to demonstrate and answer questions. Don't present it as something easy and quick – it's not!
2. Websites are a great way for passing on the wisdom one has acquired over the years, areas that one has been passionate about.
3. Keeps the mind active and young! Income is a nice bonus.
4. Go for it... but offer hands-on help when possible, and make sure people understand it's a long-term commitment: rewarding, but fairly demanding.
4. If people hope to bring in supplementary income, they need to be sure the demand for their keywords is high enough to make it worth their while.Although "everybody knows something about something" may be true enough, I suppose, quite a lot of those subjects may also be of too little interest/importance to too many people for the SBI-ers to make a dime.
5. I actually work for an Administrator of a Senior Center and look after all the computers, programs and A/V equipment for Elder College...classes for over 55's. I would suggest letting me talk with him and to explain the complex nature of website building and the desire for writing,composing and building with pictures, that you have to do .
6.If you have the time, build an SBI site yourself so you can offer personal help and support. Or get a small group 2 or 3 persons to start togethter so they can support one another during the learning process. They will be building a business, not just a web site....and that makes for a difference.
12. Would you encourage those over age 65 to try a SBI Retirement web site?
1. Certainly. One is never too old to learn something new. Again, so much wisdom has been gained over the years, it is a shame not share it. Then, again, tackling a new subject and doing research is a great way to spend the day. Also great for someone who is not that mobile.
For those that are mobile, a reminder to get up and away from the computer is sometimes necessary
2. Yes if they are still clear mentally and able to take on a long-term challenge and learn a lot of new skills-- & if they understood it would not even pay for itself for some months and might never produce a large income... A large income depends on what topic they choose and how much energy, time, & ability they can provide. There aren't any guarantees. But if they are able, have something they would love to share,and aren't in need of immediate or full-time income, it could be so worthwhile.
3. Whether I did or did not would depend to some extent on the depth of their pockets. If these people were living on a modest income, I'd encourage themto undertake a site ONLY if they were sure their topic could support enoughreally good keywords to make a go of it. Or if they simply wanted anentertaining hobby with which to learn some fun and even useful stuff?andpossibly earn a little cash. But I'd caution them very clearly to do somedue diligence if they were hoping to create income. (NOTE: SBI emphasizes this same point - they want you to use the tools they provide to make sure you will get a decent income before you decide on the name/title of your SBI Retirement income site.)
4. Why not! It is an excellent retirement career to not only keep an older person mentally on their toes, but to turn their life and their interests into incoming producing websites.
5. Depends who they are. Most not, some yes. Its a lot of work...its hundreds of hours at a computer with no pay BUT if a person has a desire to write, the ability to write and a Niche interest with lots of material and picturesthey could give it a go. Obviously they would need to be very computer literate and many people over 70 are not....I see themeveryday...they phone me for advice everyday. They also need years to bring things to fruition so time is important. On the other hand it is an engaging hobby for one who is retired.
6. Yes!! Why? You can try SBI for several months to see if you like it. If you do not, they will give you your money back. I know of no other business that offers that sort of guarantee.
It does take work and learning but I have tried to earn money on the Internet for years. SBI is the first company that lived up to its promises and the help is there.
I now earn enough to give me a nice retirememt income AND I get to share my knowledge and experience with so many people. For me, my sites are is a way of 'giving back'.....and getting paid at the same time. Besides I think that it helps keep my brain and memory strong. Who would hire me at my age? And I have no commute - last year when I was hospitalized and in bed for weeks my SBI Retirment sites kept bringing me income - even though I was not working on them.
End of report for those considering SBI Retirment. If you want to take a look at at the program, just click on SBI Retirement income for your self. After all, if you are going to retire, why not make it a SBI Retirment?
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