Shampoo dementia. Could washing your hair could be a cause of dementia as you age? The answer is a firm, YES.
New research shows that depending on the brand of shampoo you use, your shampoo may be dangerous to your brain.
How can this be? Recent scientific studies have shown that a chemical used in many shampoos contain the chemical methylisorhiazoline (or MIT) . And it has been shown that this chemical can cause neurological damage. What is a major concern is that methyisorhiazoline (MIT) is not marked as dangerous in any way on most shampoo bottles.
Researchers have tagged four brands of shampoo as containing methyliaorhiazonline. These brands are Head and Shoulders, Suave, Clairol and Pantene Hair Conditioner.
But be aware. As you know new brands come on the market regularly and manufacturers can change the chemical composition of their products at will. It is worth reading the INGREDIENTS panel on any shampoo or personal care product before buying or using it. Why? Well, would you want to risk 'losing your mind/memory' to an over the counter product?
There is a chemical, methyliaorhiazonline which is a rather new addition in personal care products. It probably was not in products you used when you were growing up. But now it can be found in cosmetics, lotions, moisturizers, sanitary wipes and sun screens as well as shampoos.
It is also found in many industrial applications such preservatives and antimicrobial agents used as sanitizing agents and it can be used in energy production and metalworking. fluids, mining, paint manufacturing and paper manufacturing.
Recently it has been found that industrial applications are toxic to marine life when products containing the chemical are use in marine environments such as paints on boat hulls.
Reference: Wikipedia
READ LABELS. Before you put money down to pay for a shampoo, read the ingredient label. See it lists methylisorhiazoline (or MIT), the shampoo ingredient that can affect your brains. There are so many brands of shampoo available at your grocery store or at the cosmetics counter. Find one that does not list this chemical as an ingredient.
Or you might want to find a brand online. I have used
One of the things that really concerns me is that so few people seem to know about this connection between their shampoo and dementia as they age. The information has not been disseminated widely. Have you seen many news stories covering it? I have not. And yet we know the dementia is a serious issue both for individuals and for their family members and/or caregivers.
So, I would like to suggest that you share this information with family and/or friends. You can just copy the url at the top of the page and past it in an email or you could put it on your Facebook page so others can learn. I doubt that those who sell the problematic brands of shampoo are going to warn the public of this danger. This is something we need to do ourselves.....and that is the main reason I created this page for the web site.
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