My Mom's Amazing 98 year old cousin

by Anita Manley
(Newburgh, NY )

I had the pleasure of taking my mother’s 98 year old cousin out for lunch while we were vacationing in Boston recently. Celia (Stineman) is totally with it! She has a memory like a strong box and is completely aware of everything that’s going on in politics, her family and her life and she has the most positive attitude I’ve ever seen. She’s living in a very nice assisted living facility south of Boston, (which she loves, especially the food!) participates in all the activities, takes the bus to Walmart and the local mall, plays bridge twice a week with her former neighbors (who pick her up and bring her to the condo complex where she used to live), has even had a “boyfriend” ("He even wanted to kiss me, imagine that!" she says.)and goes out to her favorite restaurant with friends and relatives. (Speaking of that restaurant, there is a steep stairway in front of the restaurant that Celia can climb a lot faster than I can even with her cane! No, she won't take the ramp!)She also carries her cell phone everywhere and we try to talk and catch up at least a couple of times a month.
I can only hope I look and feel as good - if I can make it to 98!

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Jul 26, 2017
Rest in peace, dear cousin!
by: Anita Kassner Manley

Sad to say that cousin Celia passed away in May. She would have been 103 on August 1. She lived a long life and was playing bridge right up to just a few weeks before she passed from pneumonia. She was the last of that generation in our family and our connection to that part of the family. I'm going to miss her calls from her cell phone!
Rest in peace, dear Celia!

Jul 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Celia was one of our patients and this string is the only way we knew she passed. She was one of our favorite patients. Lots of fun, full of knowledge even had a cell phone and took selfies. She will be missed. Sorry for your families loss

May 03, 2017
Celia has passed
by: Anonymous

Just heard that cousin Celia passed away yesterday. She was 102! She lived a long life and was with it until the end. God rest her soul.

May 03, 2017
Our amazing Celia has passed on--
by: Anonymous

I'm so sad to say that our amazing Celia Stneman died last night at the age of 102- was to be 103 August 1st. She was sharp to the end and played bridge just a few weeks ago. We will miss you, my dear one!!

Sep 17, 2015
My Mom's Amazing 98 year old cousin
by: Anonymous

Anita your article is a motivation for many people that want to have good health at that age. It is so impressive to do such things at that age.

Aug 01, 2015
Still strong at 101!
by: Anonymous

Visited cousin Celia recently and she's still going strong. She's such an inspiration. She celebrates 101 years today (August 1). Happy Birthday, Cousin Celia!

Aug 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

I am her great great nephew and she is turning 101! She is still with the program and is very sweet.

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